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Nature's Notebook: A Guide to Creating an Intuitive Art Nature Journal

Updated: Jun 18, 2023

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's easy to forget about the beauty of the natural world around us. However, taking a moment to appreciate nature has numerous benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving mood, and increasing feelings of happiness and well-being.

One way to cultivate a deeper connection with nature is through mindful journaling, which combines art and writing to create a space for reflection and observation. By creating a "Nature's Notebook," you can record your experiences and thoughts about the natural world, allowing you to better appreciate the beauty and wonder of the world around you. In this post, we will explore the benefits of mindful journaling, and provide you with tips and techniques for creating your own Nature's Notebook.

1 - Introduction to mindful journaling with art and writing.

Mindful journaling with art and writing is a technique that combines the benefits of both activities to promote mental clarity, creativity, and self-reflection. This form of journaling is not just about keeping a diary of daily events, but it’s also about creating a space to connect with your own thoughts and feelings, and expressing them in a creative and meaningful way.

Incorporating art into journaling can be especially beneficial as it allows us to express ourselves without the limitations of words. Art can be used to represent emotions, thoughts, or events that may be difficult to put into words alone. It's also a great way to relax and de-stress as it allows us to focus on the present moment and let go of any worries or anxieties.

On the other hand, writing allows us to process our thoughts and emotions in a more structured way. It can help us gain a deeper understanding of our own thoughts and feelings, and also helps us keep a record of our personal growth and development.

Combining art and writing in a mindful journal allows us to tap into our creativity and connect with our own selves in a more meaningful way. It’s a great way to take a break from the daily hustle and bustle of life, and to slow down and appreciate the present moment.

2 - The benefits of connecting with nature while journaling.

Connecting with nature while journaling can be a transformative experience. Nature has a way of grounding us, helping us to slow down and become present in the moment. It's no wonder that many people find solace in nature when they need to disconnect from the stresses of everyday life.

Adding a nature-inspired element to your journal can help you connect with nature in a deeper way. For example, you could add pressed flowers or leaves to your journal pages, or you could sketch a landscape or a particular plant that you find inspiring.

Studies have shown that spending time in nature can have a positive impact on mental health. Being in nature can help to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, while also increasing feelings of happiness and well-being. By incorporating nature into your journaling practice, you may be able to enhance these benefits even further.

In addition to the mental health benefits, spending time in nature can also be a source of inspiration. Nature has a way of sparking creativity and helping us to see the world in new ways. By incorporating nature into your journaling practice, you may find that you're able to tap into your creative side more easily.

Overall, connecting with nature while journaling can be a powerful way to enhance your mindfulness practice, reduce stress, and tap into your creativity. So why not grab your notebook and head outside to enjoy the beauty of the natural world?

3 - Gathering materials for nature journaling.

Gathering materials for nature journaling is the fun part! The beauty of nature journaling is that it can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be. You can use any materials you have on hand, or you can invest in some high-quality art supplies to make your journaling experience even more enjoyable.

Here are some materials you might want to consider gathering before you start nature journaling:

  • A journal or notebook:

  • Pens and pencils:

  • Watercolors or colored pencils:

  • Glue or tape:

  • Scissors:

Remember, gathering materials for nature journaling doesn't have to be expensive or complicated. The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the process of observing and recording the beauty of nature.

4 - Observational drawing tips for nature journaling.

Nature journaling is a great way to connect with the natural world and it can be done in many ways, from writing about your experiences to drawing what you see. Observational drawing, in particular, is a fantastic way to capture the beauty of nature in your journal and it can be easier than you might think.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when creating observational drawings for your nature journal:

  • Start with simple shapes:

  • Look at the negative space: Negative space is the area around the object you are drawing. Paying attention to this space can help you create a more accurate drawing. For example, if you are drawing a tree, you might focus on the spaces between the branches.

  • Use your whole arm: When drawing, it can be tempting to use just your wrist, but this can result in stiff and cramped drawings. Instead, try using your whole arm to create larger, more fluid lines.

  • Practice regularly: Like any skill, drawing takes practice. Set aside some time each week to practice your observational drawing skills and you'll soon see improvement.

Remember, the goal of observational drawing in your nature journal is not necessarily to create a perfect representation of what you see. Instead, it's about capturing the beauty and essence of the natural world in your own unique way. So, don't be afraid to experiment and have fun with your drawings!

5 - Techniques for incorporating writing into your nature journal.

Writing is an important aspect of any journal, and it is particularly important when creating a nature journal. There are several techniques that can be used to incorporate writing into your nature journal.

First, you can simply write down your observations. What did you see? What did you hear? What did you smell? What did you feel? These observations can be as simple or as detailed as you like. Writing down your observations helps you to remember them and to reflect on them later.

Another technique is to write about your feelings. How did being in nature make you feel? Did you feel calm, energized, inspired, or something else? Writing about your feelings can help you to connect more deeply with nature and to understand the impact that nature has on your emotional well-being.

You can also use your nature journal to write about your thoughts and ideas. Maybe you have an idea for a new nature-based project, or maybe you have a question you want to explore further. Writing down your thoughts and ideas helps you to clarify them and to see them more clearly.

Finally, you can use your nature journal to write about your goals. What do you hope to achieve by spending time in nature? What are your long-term and short-term goals? Writing down your goals helps you to stay focused and motivated, and it can also help you to track your progress over time. By using these techniques, you can create a nature journal that is not only beautiful but also deeply meaningful and reflective.

6 - Prompts for nature journaling.

Nature journaling can be a great way to connect with the natural world and to create a record of your observations and experiences. However, sometimes it can be difficult to know where to start, especially if you're feeling uninspired or don't know what to write about. That's where prompts can come in handy!Here are a few prompts to get you started with your nature journaling:

  • Take a walk outside and find something that catches your eye - it could be a leaf, a rock, a flower, or anything else. Spend some time observing it and then write about what you see. What colors and textures does it have? What does it remind you of? Why do you think it caught your attention?

  • Write about a favorite outdoor memory. This could be a hike, a camping trip, a day at the beach - anything that involved spending time in nature. What made the experience special? What did you see, hear, and smell? How did you feel?

  • Choose a plant or animal that you're curious about and research it. Write about what you learned - its habitat, diet, behavior, and any interesting facts. If possible, try to observe the plant or animal in person and write about your observations as well.

  • Reflect on a recent experience in nature. What did you learn? How did it make you feel? Did you have any insights or realizations while you were outside?

Remember, there is no right or wrong way to journal. The most important thing is to allow yourself to be present in the moment and to let your curiosity guide you. Happy journaling!

7 - Mindful practices to enhance your nature journaling experience.

Nature journaling is not just about jotting down notes and sketching pictures of what you see in nature. It's also about the experience you have while doing it. Mindful practices can enhance your nature journaling experience and help you connect with nature on a deeper level.

One way to enhance your experience is to practice mindfulness meditation before starting your journaling session. Find a quiet spot where you can sit comfortably and focus on your breathing. By clearing your mind and focusing on your breath, you can enter a state of presence and awareness that will allow you to better appreciate the beauty and wonder of nature.

Another way to enhance your experience is to incorporate sensory elements into your journaling. Take note of the smells, sounds, and textures of the natural world around you and try to capture those elements in your journal. You can also incorporate natural materials into your journal, like leaves or flowers, to bring a tactile element to your writing and art.

Finally, it's important to approach your nature journaling with a sense of curiosity and wonder. Don't worry about creating a perfect piece of art or writing. Instead, focus on exploring what you see and feel in nature and let your journal be a reflection of that experience. By approaching your journaling with an open and curious mind, you will enhance your connection with nature and deepen your appreciation for the world around you.

8 - Encouragement to let go of perfectionism and embrace the process.

One of the most important things to remember when creating a mindful journal with art and writing is to let go of perfectionism and embrace the process. It's easy to get caught up in the idea that every page needs to be perfect or that every stroke of the pen or brush needs to be flawless. However, this kind of thinking can be counterproductive to the goal of creating a mindful journal.

The purpose of a mindful journal is not to create a perfect work of art, but rather to use creativity as a tool for self-expression and self-discovery. By letting go of the need for perfection, you can allow yourself to fully engage with the process of creating and expressing yourself.

Embracing the process also means being open to experimentation and play. Mindful journaling is a space for you to explore different mediums, techniques, and styles without the pressure of producing something "good." Give yourself permission to try new things, make mistakes, and learn from them.

Finally, remember that a mindful journal is a reflection of your unique journey and experiences. Don't compare your work to others or feel like you need to follow a certain formula or template. Trust your intuition and let your creativity lead the way. As you continue to create and reflect in your mindful journal, you'll find that the imperfections and "mistakes" are what make it truly beautiful and meaningful.

9 - Examples of what a completed nature journal page could look like.

When it comes to creating a nature journal page, the possibilities are endless. It all comes down to how you choose to express your experiences and observations with the natural world. Here are a few examples of what a completed nature journal page could look like:

  • Watercolor painting of a tree: Start with a light pencil sketch of the tree, focusing on its general shape and unique features such as the bark texture, leaves, and branches. Then, use watercolors to add depth and color to your sketch, paying attention to the way the light plays on the tree's surface.

  • Sketch of a bird: If you're out birdwatching, take a moment to sketch the bird you're observing. Focus on capturing its distinctive features such as the beak, wings, and tail feathers. You can add color with colored pencils or watercolors if you like.

  • Poem about a sunset: If you're inspired by the beauty of a sunset, try putting your feelings into words. Write a poem that captures the colors, sounds, and emotions of the moment. You can even include a small sketch or painting of the sunset to accompany your poem.

  • List of observations: Sometimes, it's helpful to simply jot down a list of things you've observed during your time in nature. This could include anything from the types of flowers you've seen to the sounds you've heard. Use colorful pens or markers to make your list more visually appealing.

Remember, there's no right or wrong way to create a nature journal page. The most important thing is to have fun and let your creativity flow.

10 - Conclusion and call to action to start your own nature journal with art and writing.

In conclusion, creating a nature journal with art and writing can be a great way to connect with nature, practice mindfulness, and discover your creativity. Whether you’re an experienced artist or writer, or just starting out, a nature journal can be a wonderful tool for self-expression and exploration.

So why not give it a try? Find a quiet spot in nature, grab your favorite art supplies, and start journaling. Write about what you see, hear, and feel. Draw, paint, or sketch the natural beauty around you. Take your time, and savor each moment.

Remember, there are no rules when it comes to creating a nature journal. Just let your creativity flow.

If you’re looking for inspiration, there are many resources available to help you get started. You can join a nature journaling group, attend a workshop or class, or simply explore other artists’ and writers’ work online. Whatever you do, don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things.

In the end, creating a nature journal with art and writing is a journey of self-discovery and connection with the natural world. So why not start your own today? We encourage you to take the time to connect with nature, and to take your first steps on this creative and mindful path. Happy journaling!

I hope you enjoyed this guide to creating a mindful journal with art and writing. Nature's Notebook is a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth. By incorporating art and writing into your journal, you can tap into your creativity and connect with your inner self. I encourage you to experiment with different techniques and find what works best for you. Remember, the most important thing is to be present in the moment and enjoy the process. Thank you for reading, and happy journaling!

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Elon Musk
Elon Musk
17 jul. 2023


17 jul. 2023
Reageren op

I am so glad that you enjoyed the article.


Nicole W
15 jul. 2023

What a beautiful idea. Thank you for this inspiration.

17 jul. 2023
Reageren op

I am so glad you enjoyed the article. I am glad it was inspiring for you.


14 jul. 2023

This info about journaling & being outside with nature has really caught my eye. I have journaled in the past, I Love 💖 journaling but here lately I just haven't. I think with things that have been happening in my life, I just haven't. I'm hoping really soon I will be able to start back. Anything I can do to help me get back in touch with myself will be Great for me. I really enjoyed reading this with nature, love being outside. So yes I am thankful for being able to get some in take on this. Thank You.

17 jul. 2023
Reageren op

I am so glad you enjoyed this! I used to do a lot of nature journaling with my daughter when she was growing up. Have a blast with it.


26 jun. 2023


17 jul. 2023
Reageren op

Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed the article.

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