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Scrapbooking and Vision Boards

Scrapbooking is an excellent example of intuitive art. Go forward without a plan, take scrap pieces of paper and just GO. See where your intuition takes you. The key is to have fun in the process, and don't plan ahead on what you are trying to create.

Another great exercise is to create a vision board using a scrapbooking method, intuitively. You may be surprised by what comes out during the process. If you keep an idea in mind on the goal of your vision board, such as "What Job do I Want?" As you go through and find images that are of interest to you, it may help you break down your inner most thoughts to really see what could bring you joy in work.

The process of scrapbooking helps to slow you down, focusing on each piece that you want to add to your page. It helps you to process your thoughts and emotions. It is very therapeutic. Helps to focus on one thing at a time.

As you create your page, you can look back at it and think about what you created. Take a look at the colors, the images, and the emotions it evokes when you look at it. Is it something you want to keep with you to help as a motivation later? There are so many things you can do, and so many benefits you can get from scrapbooking.

You do not need to buy all kinds of scrapbook paper to create a page. Use any types of paper (i.e., tissue paper, holiday wrapping paper, newspaper, magazine pages, etc.). Use pens, pencils, and markers. Have some tape on hand and a pair of scissors. If you like to use online scrapbooking, Canva is a great resource that you can use for free.

Now, let's talk about vision boards. A vision board is a collage of images and words that represent your wishes or goals. Use your vision board to help inspire and motivate you. I have created a few vision boards over the years and saved pictures of them on my phone so I can view it daily when I need inspiration and motivation.

Rosey LaVine wrote an article on the Science of People website, How to Make a Vision Board. This is a great article that covers everything you need to know about the topic, including the 8 steps in how to create a vision board.

  • Step 1: Reflect Back

  • Step 2: Imagine Forward

  • Step 3: Choose Your Board Platform

  • Step 4: Curate Images & Words

  • Step 5: Gather Your Supplies

  • Step 6: Plan Your Layout

  • Step 7: Assemble

  • Step 8: Diplay Your Vision Board

Now, remember, in Intuitive Art your planning should include only your supplies. Feel your way through the images and the words to create your board. The key is to not follow a fully planned method of creation.

I would love to see any images of boards you have created. Have fun with it, and remember to enjoy the process.

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3 comentários

Louchandra Peterson
30 de jun. de 2023

So interested in this type of art

17 de jul. de 2023
Respondendo a

Excellent! I am so glad that you like it! Have fun with it. There are a lot of different modes you can work with creatively.

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