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We hear the word, "synchronicity," all the time. What does it mean? Carl Jung defined "synchronicity" as a link between external events that are connected together that appear at first glance as a coincidence.

Have you ever had that moment where you have a thought and an idea, and then you meet someone new who has had the same thought and idea. Was your meeting a coinicidence or a synchronous moment? I say it is definitely synchronicity.

I had a chance to meet two women recently that were on the same path as me. By meeting and sharing ideas and stories, the flow of the Universe was happening. It was a synchronous moment. The meeting and sharing ideas is like a ripple that will spread wide. As one ripple affects another, so does the sharing and spreading of that idea and thought. So deep and profound and beautiful and amazing.

Think about it. Have you had a moment of synchronicity? Have you been aware enough to recognize it for what it is? Or have you walked on by closed off to those around you because you are focused on your internal thoughts.

Stop to say hi. Stop to chat. Stop to share that smile. It can mean so much more than you think.

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